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Gin and Tonic Trout | Serves: 4


½ tbsp olive oil 1 garlic clove, crushed 4 juniper berries, crushed grated zest and juice of 1½ limes 2 tsp ground coriander 1 tsp chopped coriander leaves, plus extra to serve 3 tbsp gin 5 tbsp tonic water 4 x 125g trout fillets 200g new potatoes to serve 1 lime, cut into wedges salt and freshly ground black pepper


Put the oil, garlic, juniper berries, lime zest and juice, ground coriander, coriander/cilantro leaves and gin and tonic in a mixing bowl and season with salt and pepper.

Put the trout fillet, flesh\-side down, in the mixture, cover and for best results refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

Preheat the oven to 200C (fan)

Select a shallow heatproof casserole dish and create a foil tent into which you can fit the four trout fillets. Bear in mind there should be enough foil to tent over the fish and to seal.

Transfer the fish with the juices into the foil tent. Bring the foil sides up and seal the fish into a parcel. Put the casserole dish in the oven and bake for 15\-20minutes.

Remove the foil tent from the oven and open it up. Carefully spoon the cooked new potatoes around the sides of the fish into the juices. Sprinkle with a few coriander leaves, grind a little black pepper over the top and dot with lime wedges to serve.

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gestern mit AV zum afternoon tea in victoria's cottage café. sehr empfehlenswert [die scones mit sicherheit die besten diesseits des kanals].


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hühnergeschnetzeltes mit steinpilzen & frischem knoblauch in weißweinsauce, dazu 1 bouquet von wintersalaten.

kochen • ›man gebe zunächst 1 glas wein in den koch‹

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kyoto in dortmund, immer 1 abstecher wert.

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lausiges wetter: nachher konditor [zeitmaschine in die 70er] mit freunden.

hotelsilber, kleine weiße schürzen, anständige teekarte, nichtentscheidenkönnen beim aussuchen der torte. vorfreude.

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AA: [freitag grillen]

exdirk: ok. was mitbringen?

AA: currysauce?

exdirk: ok.


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letzte kommentare:

exdirk | So. 18. Feb. 2024 06:28
Gratuliere sehr herzlich!
liuea | Sa. 17. Feb. 2024 18:48
thx! only a minor incident... ...
exdirk | Mi. 14. Feb. 2024 00:21
Au-ha. Besserung!
Lakritze | Mi. 31. Jan. 2024 06:39
ok (& thx).
exdirk | Do. 7. Sep. 2023 02:02
Doch, das ist er, lässt ...
bubo | Di. 5. Sep. 2023 12:18
bin mir nicht sicher [about ...
exdirk | Sa. 2. Sep. 2023 23:57
Oh, da ist doch auch ...
bubo | Mo. 14. Aug. 2023 09:26
stapel | Do. 8. Dez. 2022 14:28
You can check out any ...
bubo | Do. 8. Dez. 2022 07:49
Wer hier wohnt, kommt nicht ...
stapel | Mi. 7. Dez. 2022 23:22
in meinem Kommentar fehlt das ...
liuea | Mi. 22. Juni 2022 06:16
Wien! Bad Gastein! Balaton! :)
liuea | Mi. 22. Juni 2022 06:14
Ja und nein. Die Seile ...
consoler | Mi. 1. Juni 2022 00:16
@iluea herr consoler meint 'kastriert' ...
exdirk | Di. 31. Mai 2022 23:57

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